k4200’s notes and thoughts

Programmer side of k4200


Email related settings in Lift

I think Lift's MegaProtoUser is a good starting point when you want to create a web site that requires user management. It basically gives you the basic features for those sites, such as sign-up form, confirmation email and password reset.…

Lift with sbt 0.10

Background People around me have talked about sbt 0.9 and then 0.10 for the past few months. As you may know, I like something new, so I decided to try it out for no reason.I started playing around with it around two weeks ago. sbt 0.10 is…

FreeBSD on EC2の感想

はじめに 勉強がてらPaaSもどきを作ってみたくて、Amazon EC2にFreeBSDを入れてjail環境を構築してみた。自分はLinuxの経験はそこそこあるけど、FreeBSDを使うのが今回が初めてで、EC2についてもあまり詳しくないため、何かおかしい所等があればぜひご指摘を…